@article{2022:nowrot:menschenre, title = {Menschenrechtliche Unternehmensverantwortung in der Lieferkette im internationalen Rohstoffrecht: Prozesse der Versicherheitlichung als Motor innovativer und global konsensfähiger Rechtsentwicklungen?}, year = {2022}, note = {Due diligence obligations of companies to respect human rights in their global supply chains have been more recently enshrined in domestic laws of an increasing number of countries. However, respective binding international regulations addressing corporate actors in the field of human rights are still largely absent. Against this background, it is argued in this contribution that in order to facilitate the international law-making processes on this issue, closer attention should be devoted to processes of so-called securitization. Outlining the importance of securitization moves for the emergence of due diligence expectations on and obligations of private commercial actors in the field of international commodity law, in particular as far as normatively addressing the issue of so-called conflict diamonds and minerals is concerned, the contribution attempts to identify notable spill-over effects resulting from these legal developments for the realm of international human rights law.}, journal = {ZEuS Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien}, pages = {287--318}, author = {Nowrot, Karsten}, volume = {25}, number = {2} }