@article{2022:bhme:enhancing_, title = {Enhancing Supply Chain Responsibilities through International Investment Agreements}, year = {2022}, note = {Foreign direct investment is one of the modes of organisation of global supply chains. At the international level, foreign direct investment is mostly regulated through international investment agreements (IIAs). While most of these agreements are still silent on corporate responsibilities, there are some notable exceptions that mark the way forward toward a more balanced investment protection regime. This contribution argues that even though the main purpose of IIAs remains the promotion and protection of foreign investment, IIAs could equally be used to enhance corporate responsibilities. To that purpose, the contribution outlines possible legal sources and means of enforcement to establish corporate responsibilities through IIAs.}, journal = {ZEuS Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien}, pages = {251--264}, author = {Böhme, Bianca}, volume = {25}, number = {2} }