@article{2019:garzn:designing_, title = {Designing a Multilateral Investment Court: Blueprints for a New Route in Investor-State Dispute Settlement}, year = {2019}, note = {Criticisms to investment arbitration persist and currently the discussions pertaining possible reforms to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) are being held on a multilateral level at UNCITRAL. Among the options, a Multilateral Investment Court (MIC) stands out, since it would mark a new route in international investment law. Although the European Union has laid the groundwork for a future MIC by means of new investment agreements, some states remain reluctant to it. In any event, should the MIC be chosen as the new mechanism to solve investment disputes, careful consideration to its basic features must be given, particularly, those aimed to overcome the shortfalls of investment arbitration. A permanent body of adjudicators, an appeal mechanism, transparency and an explicit right to regulate might be indispensable to achieve the desired result. Certainly, an agreement to establish an MIC will not be easy to achieve, however, the time has never been more appropriate to engage in a comprehensive reform.}, journal = {ZEuS Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien}, pages = {477--502}, author = {Garzón, Andrés Eduardo Alvarado}, volume = {22}, number = {3} }