@article{2015:villotti:national_c, title = {National Constitutional Identities and the Legitimacy of the European Union – Two Sides of the European Coin}, year = {2015}, note = {From today’s perspective it seems that the original purpose of European integration– the establishment of peace on the continent – has been successfully implemented;there is another objective however that has become ever more important. Given theintensity of economic cooperation, a broader vision of Europe is required today,rooted in the human and cultural. Even though it seems that over time the perceptionof European integration has shifted “from something that Europe does to somethingthat Europe is”, the social togetherness, solidarity and tolerance among the peoplesand the objective to create an ever closer union among them has turned out to becrucial.}, journal = {ZEuS Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien}, pages = {475--506}, author = {Villotti, Julia}, volume = {18}, number = {4} }