@article{2023:solioz:discussing, title = {Discussing Attila Àgh: Awaking Europe in the triple global crisis. The birth pangs of the emerging Europe (2021)}, year = {2023}, note = {This review article looks at Attila Àgh’s Awaking Europe in the triple global crisis, published in 2021. Àgh cites the triple crisis facing Europe – the socioeconomic crisis, the climate crisis and the Covid-19 crisis – to which Christophe Solioz adds a fourth: the security crisis with reference to the war in Ukraine. These add up, in sum, to a systemic crisis which Solioz argues points to an impending Age of Transition affecting not just south-eastern Europe, whose countries are particularly vulnerable, but leading to the establishment of a new world order in which Europe will need to reconceptualise itself. In the background of current events, Àgh sees Europe as ‘awaking’, and thus beginning to rise to the challenges; Solioz is a little less optimistic as a result of the processes of fragmentation that have affected the EU in the last fifteen years, while the autocracies in the region present their own challenges. It also remains true that actual action is awaited. Nevertheless, he is clear that, as Europe’s centre of gravity shifts to the east, largely as a result of the geopolitical impact of the invasion of Ukraine, it matters that it listens to a clear voice from the region. }, journal = {SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe}, pages = {263--270}, author = {Solioz, Christophe}, volume = {26}, number = {2} }