@article{2021:krito:covid19_, title = {Covid-19: the most common occupational disease in 2020 in the Republic of Croatia}, year = {2021}, note = {The global pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the consequent illness of healthcare workers from Covid-19 are largely responsible for the increase in the reported number of occupational diseases in the healthcare and social care sector in 2020 in the Republic of Croatia. It is important to note that Covid-19 was the most common occupational disease in the field in 2020. The health sector is first in line as a result of workers’ role in the diagnosis and treatment of those suffering from the disease and it could therefore be expected that the largest number of sick workers would be in this sector. After recovery (approximately 15 days), and assuming there are no complications, sick workers return to work but as we do not yet know the extent of the effects of this disease, it is not possible to predict whether there will be subsequent absences due to complications from Covid-19. This article reports the trends in the notification of occupational diseases under Croatia’s involved reporting system and categorises workers experiencing occupational diseases by type of disease, sector of activity and geographical location.}, journal = {SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe}, pages = {167--180}, author = {Krišto, Ivana and Kovač, Cvetan and Šijaković, Ana}, volume = {24}, number = {2} }