@article{2020:teichmann:can_the_is, title = {Can the issue of corruption be solved? An analysis of corruption in the Balkans and potential solutions}, year = {2020}, note = {This research paper analyses how countries in the western Balkans have been affected by corruption and how, despite significant efforts, corrupt practices continue to present barriers to their long-standing goal of joining the European Union. Corruption has severely negative impacts on economic growth and a country’s international reputation, and so we infer that a different approach is required. Ten expert interviews were conducted in an explorative research approach in order to examine the concept of anti-bribery compliance incentives. Interview partners were asked to address how anti-bribery incentives could be employed by multinational corporations in order to eliminate corruption. Subsequent discussion illustrates how our findings could be combined with other measures towards eliminating corruption across all sectors. The overall purpose of this research, and its contribution, lies in exploring a new method of tackling corruption and developing innovative theory to gain a more profound understanding of the concept, its implications for the Balkans and how it could yet be addressed more effectively.}, journal = {SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe}, pages = {91--108}, author = {Teichmann, Fabian and Falker, Marie-Christin}, volume = {23}, number = {1} }