@article{2020:golemi:complement, title = {Complementary currency as an instrument for economic development in the western Balkans}, year = {2020}, note = {Regional economic integration is regarded as a priority task for western Balkans countries in order to prepare them for integration into the European Union. Given the under-performance between these countries in terms of trade, we propose the creation of a complementary supranational currency that would serve the common market of the western Balkans and also intensify trade exchanges between them. We support the idea that structural reforms and the technical provisions proposed in this adopted Keynes Plan may, at least in principle, provide the necessary solutions to avoid imbalances between the countries; serve as an incentive to intensify trade exchanges; and curb inflationary and deflationary pressures in the joint western Balkans market. Our research makes a solid contribution to the debate on international monetary systems. We believe that a complementary currency would make regional integration more effective within the western Balkans but, furthermore, would also call into question the international monetary system were it to be as effective in practice as we think it would be.}, journal = {SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe}, pages = {77--90}, author = {Golemi, Ela and Muço, Klodian}, volume = {23}, number = {1} }