@article{2020:astor:fair_pay_i, title = {Fair pay in eastern Europe – The continuing challenge of poverty wages}, year = {2020}, note = {Economic growth has been steady across eastern Europe in recent times. Nevertheless, this is not being shared equitably with the workers that create that wealth. The lack of a living wage, the decline of collective bargaining and the violation and erosion of workers’ rights, alongside the failure of governments to regulate the economy effectively, are each, in turn, creating despair and anger, and holding back further growth. Social protections for those not in work are woefully inadequate and leave many workers unprotected. Furthermore, countries in the region that have already acceded to the EU still demonstrate substantial disparities on these issues with the old EU member states, threatening the objective of upwards social convergence across the EU. Observing these injustices, this article calls for a fresh approach across eastern Europe which sees the economic and social benefits of various forms of social protection allowed to play their role in reducing poverty and wage inequalities. Consequently, ten countries from across the region have joined together to campaign under a single ‘Fair Pay’ banner.}, journal = {SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe}, pages = {59--76}, author = {Astor, Evelyn}, volume = {23}, number = {1} }