@article{2015:telatar:the_europe, title = {The European Union’s role in the maintenance of international peace and security in the 21st centuryGökhan TelatarThe European Union's role in the maintenance of international peace and security}, year = {2015}, note = {Foreign policy and security have been significant issues for the European Union since its foundation, and the EU’s role in the maintenance of international peace and security has been discussed intensively. This article explores the international role and approach of the EU in this area in the light of arguments in the relevant literature and official statements of the EU. It goes on to investigate whether the EU has succeeded in developing policies corresponding to its international role and approach in the 21st century within the framework of policies in regard to the Sec- ond Gulf War; the issue of Iran’s nuclear activities; and the Arab Spring. Additionally, the effects of these three issues on the international role of the EU and on its ap- proach towards the maintenance of international peace and security are also stud- ied. In considering that the US has the leading role in all these three issues as the hegemonic actor, the article explores whether the EU could be an attraction centre in the international community as an alternative to the US via a self-determined international role.}, journal = {SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe}, pages = {13--32}, author = {Telatar, Gökhan}, volume = {18}, number = {1} }