@article{2023:dvorak:exploring_, title = {Exploring the influence of demographic characteristics on the homogeneity of national culture in the context of social changes}, year = {2023}, note = {Cultural differences have a significant impact on international business. Therefore, employers must understand the potential risk of misinterpretation due to the inhomogeneity or instability of national cultures. Using Hofstedeā€™s model, this case study analyses the influence of selected demographic variables on the homogeneity of the Czech national culture in the context of radical economic and political changes. The results based on the questionnaire survey with the quota sampling show that age and education influence the homogeneity of cultural dimensions whereas the impact of gender is weak. In particular, human resource managers should pay attention to the young generation, which requires less distance from superiors, accept decentralisation better and reject visible signs of status.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {395--417}, author = {Dvorak, Jiri and Komarkova, Lenka}, volume = {28}, number = {3} }