@article{2018:kmieciak:a_comparis, title = {A Comparison of Information Technology Capability, Employee Empowerment and Innovativeness in German and Polish Firms}, year = {2018}, note = {The paper investigates the relationships between information technology capability, employee empowerment, innovativeness, and firm performance in German firms. Results of the investigation are compared to a previous study of Polish firms. The same questionnaire was used in both studies, and found that the factors influencing innovation activity are similar in German and Polish firms, but there are significant differences in those influencing firm performance. The disparate results of the Polish and German studies may be explained by their differences in economic development and culture.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {642--672}, author = {Kmieciak, Roman and Michna, Anna and Felden, Carsten}, volume = {23}, number = {4} }