@article{2017:mikukov:intuition_, title = {Intuition in managers’ decision-making: qualitative study}, year = {2017}, note = {The main aim of the study was to explore managers’ decision-making process, focusing particularly on intuition in decision-making from a psychological perspective. A total of 20 managers (8 women) participated in individual in-depth interviews. Analysis of the interviews shows that managers a) did not have a clear preference for one decision-making style, b) defined intuition as knowledge based on feelings, judgement not based on facts, knowledge of unknown origin, and that they c) associate intuition with experience and practice. Decision-making was also influenced by contextual factors, such as the environment and its limits (management and information requirements, and financial limits), time, and type of task.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {318--333}, author = {Mikušková, Eva Ballová}, volume = {22}, number = {3} }