@article{2014:pranikar:blockholdi, title = {Blockholding and organisational diversity: the case of a transition economy}, year = {2014}, note = {We approached the issue of blockholding effectiveness and behaviour by studying some exemplary organisational transformations in the Republic of Srpska. We found two distinct clusters of blockholdings. The first cluster is worker-entrenched blockholdings, where most workers are unionised. The second cluster constitutes worker-liberal blockholdings, where most workers are not unionised. There are two distinct subgroups in this cluster. The vast majority of blockholdings in the first subgroup developed a prevailing role of the capital owner, heavyweight management and a less trained workforce. The second subgroup nurtures reciprocity of management and core workers’ cognitive assets, and is also the most productive.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {277--304}, author = {Prašnikar, Janez and Mikerević, Dragan and Voje, Damjan}, volume = {19}, number = {3} }