@article{2014:belaya:power_and_, title = {Power and influence in Russian agri-food supply chains: Results of a survey of local subsidiaries of multinational enterprises}, year = {2014}, note = {There is a growing body of literature on the role of power and influence as key behavioural constructs in supply chains. In order to use power it is necessary to apply specific influence strategies which represent certain techniques to gain desired objectives. In order to manage supply chain networks successfully the knowledge of different influence strategies is essential, since they may have different managerial effects depending on their origin. The aim of our article is to investigate the role of power and influence strategies in supply chains. To fulfil our aim we conducted an empirical survey of 97 multinational companies (MNCs) that operate in the Russian agri-food sector.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {160--184}, author = {Belaya, Vera and Hanf, Jon Henrich}, volume = {19}, number = {2} }