@article{2010:ater:factors_of, title = {Factors of effective strategy implementation: Empirical evidence from Slovenian business practice}, year = {2010}, note = {The paper’s purpose is to add to the body of knowledge on strategy implementation by systematically studying the activities for and obstacles to strategy execution on a sample of 172 Slovenian companies. The results show that managers mostly rely on planning and organising activities when implementing strategies, while the biggest obstacle to strategy execution is poor leadership. Moreover, the results of multiple regression analysis reveal that greater obstacles to strategy execution in the forms of inadequate leadership skills and employees’ reluctance to share their knowledge have a negative influence on performance, while adapting the organisational structure to the selected strategy as an activity for strategy implementation has a positive influence on performance.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {207--236}, author = {Čater, Tomaž and Pucko, Danijel}, volume = {15}, number = {3} }