@article{2008:jasiecki:the_changi, title = {The changing roles of the post- transitional economic elite in Poland}, year = {2008}, note = {The study characterised evolution of the role of a new economic elite in Poland using the three-elite-generations metaphor: breakthrough elite, transition elite and consolidation elite. Describing this evolution in terms of the neoliberal modernisation paradigm, "elitist paradigm" and transformation theory is insufficient for a theoretical reconstruction of changes occurring in states which, like Poland, are at the stage of development combining characteristics of post-communist, neoliberal and globalised capitalist societies. Other concepts are also useful, such as globalisation theory, world-systems theory or the varieties of capitalism approach that provide a different conceptual framework for the role of economic elites.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {327--359}, author = {Jasiecki, Krzysztof}, volume = {13}, number = {4} }