@article{2006:lungwitz:coordinat, title = {Co-ordination media in cross-national networks of small and medium-sized enterprises}, year = {2006}, note = {Not only large corporations but also SMEs increasingly organise into cross-border networks, in order to benefit from the advantages of international division of labour. As regards the co-ordination of network activities it makes sense to distinguish between the role of social co-ordination media and the factual and temporal co-ordination of network activities. Social co-ordination media are geared to the generation of mutual "reliability". Their mode of operating is closely linked to the internal power structures of the networks.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {372--380}, author = {Lungwitz, Ralph-Elmar and Le, Peter and Campagna, Sebastian}, volume = {11}, number = {4} }