@article{2006:nowiski:an_assessm, title = {An assessment and forecast highlighting the importance of restructuring and integration in cross-border acquisitions in Poland. An analysis of M&A experts’ opinions}, year = {2006}, note = {This study analyses the importance of restructuring activities and integration in cross-border acquisitions of Polish firms. We find that in comparison to acquisitions in developed economies analogous transactions in Poland are characterized by the particularly high role of retrenchment, positive impact of changes among incumbent managers and the relatively lower role of integration depth. Evidence concerning possible changes of these factors in the future is not unambiguous. Nonetheless, our findings indicate the possibility of their transition as well as its direction. Potential changes are expected to go in the direction of reducing the role of restructuring and increasing the role of integration.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {30--47}, author = {Nowiński, Witold}, volume = {11}, number = {1} }