@article{2005:gorcheva:the_differ, title = {The Differences in the Interactive Modification of Interaction between Target Groups and Personnel Management Tools}, year = {2005}, note = {The harmonisation of Bulgarian and foreign entrepreneurs' concepts for personnel management is part of Bulgaria's process of transition to free market economy. On the one hand this is possible provided that Bulgarian entrepreneurs get familiar with the practices and experience of their European counterparts. On the other hand foreign investors could be more successfully attracted if they are motivated enough to actively do business in Bulgaria. The research focuses on the differences in policy modelling of the PM target groups and PM instruments in the 17 Bulgarian, 17 German enterprises and 7 Joint-Ventures operating in the markedly dynamic business environment of Bulgarian economy.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {75--91}, author = {Gorcheva, Tanja}, volume = {10}, number = {1} }