@article{2004:majtn:die_vorber, title = {Die Vorbereitung der slowakischen Industriebetriebe auf den Beitritt in die Europäische Union}, year = {2004}, note = {The paper defines crucial adjustment instruments of the Slovak business sector in the course of its accession to the European Union. Analysis of these instruments is illustrated with a sample of 110 Slovak manufacturing firms. Analysis shows that companies with over 500 employees, in particular in engineering and electrical engineering industries are better prepared for the accession. These companies are distinguish themselves with a high level of internationalization (a high share of exports in the EU market on the company's sales), utilization of higher forms of input on the common EU market, utilization of 9000 ISO standards and participation of a foreign investor, especially from the European Union. At the same time, analysis pointed to several risks, namely those related to competitiveness. Business in the size group from 50 to 499 employees with a higher rate of added value have to be paid a greater attention.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {431--443}, author = {Majtán, Miroslav and Sršňová, Jana}, volume = {9}, number = {4} }