@article{2004:rantaa:recruitmen, title = {Recruitment of employees: Administrative burdens on Slovenian SMEs in comparison with Europe}, year = {2004}, note = {In recent years, the issue of administrative burden on enterprises due to legislation has received much attention. Everywhere it is acknowledged that it is important to reduce and minimize this administrative burden as far as possible, because it hinders the development of enterprises and the growth of employment. In this paper we present the required procedures governing employment regulation, the administrative burden that results out of them, and finally we draw conclusions and make some recommendations for further action in government policy in the field of hiring employees. The research has been conducted on a representative sample of Slovenian enterprises and compared with the results of The 2001 ENSR Survey on SMEs.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {278--312}, author = {Rantaša, Karin Širec}, volume = {9}, number = {3} }