@article{2000:malone:best_pract, title = {Best Practice Diffusion in a Polish National Investment Fund (NIF): a comparative study from an institutional theory perspective}, year = {2000}, note = {This study is concerned with organisational re-design in former state owned enterprises in Poland as a consequence of the transition to a market economy. The study will examine the context of change in the former COMICON state; the rationale supporting organisational change activities; the triggers of change; organisation re-design; and the diffusion of business process improvement techniques in Polish manufacturing companies: lean production, total quality management, benchmarking as examples. A comparison of the experiences of senior managers in organisations undergoing change from within four sectors of manufacturing in Poland will be explored.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {324--340}, author = {Malone, Charles and Kirk, R. David}, volume = {5}, number = {4} }