@article{1996:liuhto:management, title = {Management Transformation in the former Soviet Union - Estonian managers evaluate past and forth- coming Transition}, year = {1996}, note = {A successful accomplishment of an economic transition does not depend only upon a functioning economic policy but, first and foremost, upon enterprise managers’ ability to adapt to the new economic conditions. Enterprise managers are ultimately responsible for the realisation of macro-economic reforms in practice. Therefore, the research should be increasingly focused on the micro-economic transformation. This article describes managerial transformation in Estonia in the 1990s. As Estonia has carried out its macro-economic transformation most successfully among the post-Soviet republics, Estonian managers’ views could provide guidelines for the evaluation of the management transformation in other parts of the former Soviet Union.}, journal = {JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies}, pages = {7--31}, author = {Liuhto, Kari}, volume = {1}, number = {3} }