@article{2016:gehler:europe, title = {“Europe”, Europeanizations and their Meaning for European Integration Historiography}, year = {2016}, note = {Through the course of a sequence of different chapters, this article, which is based upon the research literature, after some preliminary thoughts and terminology at the beginning, will give answers to different questions: How is the history of Europe recounted and how was Europeanization defined? What can “Europe” and Euro­peanization mean for European integration studies? How is Europeanization related to European integration, and how does it differ? Within these contexts five theses on the role played by nation-states with regard to European integration will be presented. It is also necessary to be acquainted with accesses and orientations for future inte­gration historical research tasks. There is also a need to indicate observations of changes and developments as well as perspectives of integration historiographies in order to present different approaches to various forms of Europeanization. Finally, a multitude of factor-analysis with different reasons in connection with Europeaniza­tions explaining Western Europe's integration and the political unification of the whole of Europe will be presented.}, journal = {JEIH Journal of European Integration History}, pages = {141--174}, author = {Gehler, Michael}, volume = {22}, number = {1} }