@article{2015:castiglioni:the_eec_an, title = {The EEC and Iran: From the Revolution of 1979 to the Launch of the Critical Dialogue in 1992}, year = {2015}, note = {The article explores the policy pursued by the European Economic Community and its members towards Iran, from the 1979 revolution to the launch of the first concrete attempt at normalization, the so-called Critical Dialogue of 1992. Drawing on British and French archives, the Archive of European Integration, memoirs, and monographs, the study looks at the impact the revolution had on the economic and political collaboration between Iran and the members of the EC. Secondly, it analyses the initiatives undertaken by the Community in response to the Iranian events, assessing the level of internal cohesiveness displayed by the EC when faced with the regime change and with the Iran-Iraq war. Thirdly, it analyses the impact of Cold War constraints and transatlantic ties on the formulation of EC policy. It argues that the EC members managed to give proof of (relative) cohesion and assertiveness when confronted with the pressure coming from Washington, with the uncertainty of the Iranian situation, and with the resulting difficulties in the protection of their economic interests, but failed to display the same cohesion when the priority shifted from preserving to}, journal = {JEIH Journal of European Integration History}, pages = {69--88}, author = {CASTIGLIONI, Claudia}, volume = {21}, number = {1} }