@article{2015:liebhart:images_of_, title = {Images of the Mediterranean in Late 20th Century German Quality Press}, year = {2015}, note = {The article focuses on the analysis of the media coverage of the Mediterranean region in the late 20th century. German print media have been chosen as examples due to Germany’s role as a founding member of the European Economic Community, and core state of the successor organizations European Community and European Union. Discursive and visual representations of the Mediterranean in the quality weekly Die Zeit and the quality magazine Der Spiegel are analyzed, while main emphasis is put on supra-national and geo-political references. Discursive patterns, textual and visual metaphors as well as selected images are examined using a range of qualitative me- th⁠ods as analytical tools. This contribution attempts to throw somewhat light on the symbolic level of politics, which provides a frame for the perception of political issues and decision making processes.}, journal = {JEIH Journal of European Integration History}, pages = {33--46}, author = {LIEBHART, Karin}, volume = {21}, number = {1} }