@article{2018:kaewboonma:ontology_o, title = {Ontology of Folk Songs in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)}, year = {2018}, note = {This research aims to develop an ontology of the GMS folk songs for further utility in the areas of knowledge discovery and research pertaining to the humanities and social sciences domains. Ontology development processes are comprised of three phases: 1) analysis of existing metadata schema for folk songs; 2) content analysis of GMS folk songs from key resources; and, 3) ontology development, which consists of five processes: 1) defining the scope of folksongs ontology; 2) investigating the existing ontologies and plan for reuse; 3) defining terms and its relations; 4) create instances; and, 5) implementation and evaluation. The research outcome is the domain ontology of GMS folk songs, wherein 125 concepts of folk songs on GMS have been identified, defined and classified into classes and sub-classes. This classification presents an inclusion of some necessary scope notes and relationships of the topics, for example, the concepts on genres, the purpose of creation, moods, features, occasions, languages, ethnic groups, and place of origins. The ontology was developed by using the Hozo Ontology Editor. This study aspires that the consequently developed ontology will serve to be highly useful for the development of semantic knowledge-based search of GMS folk songs in the subsequent research.}, journal = {KO KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION}, pages = {33--42}, author = {Kaewboonma, Nattapong and KulthidaTuamsuk}, volume = {45}, number = {1} }