@article{1997::burkleyou, title = {Burkle-Young, Francis A., & Maley, Saundra Rose: The Art of the Footnote: The Intelligent Student’s Guide to the Art and Science of Annotating Texts – Grafton, Anthony: Die tragischen Ursprünge der deutschen Fußnote (The tragic origins of the German footnote) – Lütkehaus, Ludger: Unfröhliche Wissenschaft: Die Lage der Geisteswissenschaften aus der Sicht der Fußnote. Eine längere Anmerkung (The state of the humanities from the point of view of the footnote. A longer note) (Ewald Kiel)}, year = {1997}, note = {}, journal = {KO KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION}, pages = {117--119}, author = {}, volume = {24}, number = {2} }