@article{2013:schmidt:the_implic, title = {The Implications of Flexible Work: Membership in Organizations Revisited}, year = {2013}, note = {We analyze patterns of flexible employment among the highly qualified workforce in knowledge-intensive firms. Our conceptual starting point is the Flexible Firm that can be traced back to Atkinson. On the basis of a qualitative field study in ten organizations, we show different patterns in employment policy and highlight phenomena that go beyond Atkinson’s concept. It becomes obvious that flexible contracting with an external workforce is a function of allocating expertise instead of gaining numerical flexibility and is furthermore rather driven by knowledge workers than by firms. For systemizing the results of our explorative field work we propose the model of an Amoebic Organization as an alternative flexibility concept.}, journal = {mrev management revue}, pages = {179--198}, author = {Schmidt, Angelika}, volume = {24}, number = {3} }