@article{2012:app:employer_b, title = {Employer Branding: Sustainable HRM as a Competitive Advantage in the Market for High-Quality Employees}, year = {2012}, note = {This conceptual article examines how Sustainable Human Resource Management (Sustainable HRM) can help establishing an attractive employer brand that can address the different needs and expectations of potential and existing employees, without compromising a consistent employer image, which can result in a sustained competitive advantage. Sustainable HRM should help firms attract and retain high-quality employees, because by integrating Sustainable HRM practices into the employee value proposition, they establish a unique, attractive employer brand. An extended employee life cycle concept depicts how the employer brand promise can be delivered to address the different needs and expectations of potential and existing employees.}, journal = {mrev management revue}, pages = {262--278}, author = {App, Stefanie and Merk, Janina and Büttgen, Marion}, volume = {23}, number = {3} }