@article{2024:wimmel:the_ger, title = {„The German Vote“ im Rat der Europäischen Union}, year = {2024}, note = {For some years now, officials in Brussels have labelled abstentions in the Council of the European Union as “German vote”. Contrary to this attribution, an analysis of all votes cast from 2010 to 2023 shows that members such as Poland, Hungary and, above all, the United Kingdom were outvoted more often. However, if the institutional and domestic political conditions for avoiding no votes and abstentions are taken into account, Germany performs surprisingly poorly. Therefore, Germany had to implement and apply more directives and regulations than many other member states without the consent of its own representative in the Council. New challenges arise for the Commission because broader majorities must be organised in order to get legislative acts across the finish line without German approval.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {192--206}, author = {Wimmel, Andreas}, volume = {47}, number = {3} }