@article{2023:von_lucke:zwischen_f, title = {Zwischen Furcht und ontologischer (Un-)Sicherheit: eine Analyse europäischer Zusammenhaltsnarrative in Zeiten der Polykrise}, year = {2023}, note = {As part of a “polycrisis”, the threats posed by COVID-19 and Russia's attack on Ukraine have brought questions of “security” and solidarity back into the spotlight of European debates. In the history of the European Union (EU), however, direct external threats have been the exception. Instead, debates have mostly revolved around diffuse, inward-looking anxieties about the nature of the EU, its internal functioning, and its international role. In this context, the literature has called the EU an “anxious community”. Based on an ontological (in)security approach, this article analyses how Members of the European Parliament (MEP) construct different forms of European identity, the EU’s capacity to act and solidarity in the face of multiple crises. In contrast to the literature, we show that fear and insecurity do not prevail, but that MEPs remain surprisingly confident about the EU’s nature and the integration process, and are convinced that the EU can master any crisis and grow as a result.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {300--317}, author = {von Lucke, Franziskus and Diez, Thomas}, volume = {46}, number = {4} }