@article{2019:gler:lets, title = {„Let’s archive!“ Die Dokumentation internetbasierter Daten als neue Herausforderung für die europäische Integrationsforschung}, year = {2019}, note = {Web-based data collections are having a growing impact on European integration research. However, analysing this type of data is becoming increasingly challenging for researchers. A so-called third methodological level can be identified, namely the field of data archiving, which is currently hardly mentioned in the methodological debate. Thus, researchers must deal with web archiving and its technological possibilities and limitations if they want to base their work on web-based data. This is important in order to ensure replicability and reliability while collecting, storing and archiving web-based data, which cannot be covered by traditional methods.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {321--328}, author = {Göler, Daniel and Reiter, Florence}, volume = {42}, number = {4} }