@article{2019:schumacher:die_europ, title = {Die Europäische Union, die Östliche Partnerschaft und „Assoziierung Plus“: zur Debatte über die Einbindung assoziierter Nachbarn unterhalb einer EU-Mitgliedschaft}, year = {2019}, note = {This article takes up the European Neighbourhood Policy-related debate on the future design of the association policy of the European Union (EU) towards the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP). It pursues two objectives. First, it examines - apart from a brief discussion of the origins and genesis of the concept of “association plus” in the context of the wider EU neighbourhood framework - how the intra-EU discourse on the future of the EaP has evolved and changed in recent years and which propositions are nowadays at the core of the debate. Secondly, it analyses these propositions, mainly revolving around the integration of EaP countries into the emerging Energy and Digital Union and the Schengen Area as well as the creation of bilateral customs unions, in what regards opportunities and challenges for the eastern neighbours. The article argues that “association plus”, as demanded by the European Parliament and some EaP countries, would generate considerable financial and political costs even for those eastern neighbours that have implemented significant reforms and that it seems acceptable only if it were explicitly declared as an intermediate step towards the granting of an EU membership perspective.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {205--217}, author = {Schumacher, Tobias}, volume = {42}, number = {3} }