@article{2019:calliess:zukunftssz, title = {Zukunftsszenarien und Reformoptionen für die Europäische Union: vom Weißbuch der Kommission zu einer flexibleren Arbeitsmethode}, year = {2019}, note = {Tackling the ongoing European ‘polycrisis’ has been complicated by the lack of a consensus between the Member States and among European citizens about the role they want the European Union (EU) to play, its tasks and its future. A Union that has become more diverse due to enlargement now has to deepen in areas that are highly sensitive domestically. Against the backdrop of the scenarios presented in the European Commission’s White Paper on the Future of Europe the author argues for a more flexible working method of the EU. This method should be based on more efficiency by focusing on political priorities and implementing a new concept of cooperative enforcement together with a common understanding of subsidiarity. Where no consensus can be reached greater flexibility and - in the long run - a new architecture of the EU should allow for pioneer groups to move ahead and to lead by positive example.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {97--117}, author = {Calliess, Christian}, volume = {42}, number = {2} }