@article{2019:kaeding:europisc, title = {Europäische Agenturen – ein Forschungsfeld im Werden}, year = {2019}, note = {EU agencies play an important role in shaping European policies. This is also reflected in the academic discourse, which in recent years has scrutinised a wide variety of aspects of EU agencies - in different ways. This article assesses the current, emerging state of political science research on EU agencies. It is a burgeoning field addressing questions of the emergence, role and function of European agencies as well as their integration into existing institutional structures: What are EU agencies; since when and why have they existed; how are they structured; how do they finance themselves; how do they relate to other EU institutions and national authorities? This article offers a descriptive overview of each of these topics to assess more exhaustively the current state of research and apparent research gaps. Eventual- ly, the analysis shows that existing research does not always correspond to the actual policy-making influence of respective EU agencies.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {55--66}, author = {Kaeding, Michael}, volume = {42}, number = {1} }