@article{2019:jopp:leveliig, title = {Level-II-GSVP: neue Dynamik durch intergouvernementale Integration?}, year = {2019}, note = {Cooperation in the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) has recently produced a remarkable dynamism when looking at the newly established Military Planning and Conduct Capability, the European Defence Fund and the Permanent Structured Cooperation. This paper examines these in terms of the objectives linked to their setting-up, their functioning and strategic importance by taking into account, among others, considerations of the new intergovernmentalist approach to explain EU integration. As much as elements described by this school of thought are identifiable in CSDP develop- ments the question remains whether this will result in improved and operational EU defence capabil- ities and in a strengthened contribution to the Atlantic Alliance. The paper argues that much will de- pend, alongside the functioning of the new mechanisms, on the political will of the member states, in particular France and Germany, in forging compromises and supporting the future of the CSDP.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {37--54}, author = {Jopp, Mathias and Schubert, Jana}, volume = {42}, number = {1} }