@article{2019:bulmer:deutschlan, title = {Deutschland in der EU: Europas unverzichtbarer Hegemon?}, year = {2019}, note = {Germany has been at the heart of European integration since Chancellor Adenauer’s commitment to “Westbindung” in the early 1950s. In the 2010s it has become the European Union’s (EU) indispensable power. Indispensability has placed responsibilities upon the federal government but has also brought increased controversy in relation to Germany’s role in the EU: both internationally and domestically. This contribution seeks to take stock of Germany’s role in the EU during an era of increased European and global uncertainty. Is it credible to regard Germany as the EU’s hegemon in the 2010s? Further, what are the effects of the more politicised nature of European policy in domestic politics on Germany playing such a role?}, journal = {integration}, pages = {3--20}, author = {Bulmer, Simon}, volume = {42}, number = {1} }