@article{2017:eppler:flexible_i, title = {Flexible Integration zwischen integrativem Fort- und Rückschritt}, year = {2017}, note = {The article categorizes political proposals and scientific concepts of flexible integration using a two- directional and multidimensional concept of EU (dis-)integration. Causalities for (dis-)integration as- sumed by the theories of European integration - interests of EU states on the one hand and interde- pendencies between integration dimensions on the other - are applied to the formation of flexible inte- gration. Using these two basic explanations, the article takes existing studies as a basis to discuss theo- retical causalities and empirical cases in which flexible integration may lead to further integration or disintegration of the overall EU system.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {207--217}, author = {Eppler, Annegret}, volume = {40}, number = {3} }