@article{2017:wessels:chancen_un, title = {Chancen und Risiken von Aufbau- und Abbauflexibilisierung: der Europäische Rat vor einem Trilemma}, year = {2017}, note = {Since the beginning of the process of European integration, policy-makers and scholars alike keep facing an ever-resurging question: Which states take part in which kind of expansion and extension of the common (West-)European construction? Along the dimension integrative and disintegrative flexibilization this article depicts the flexibilization of integration policy in the EU and analyzes the opportunities and risks related to this development. Building on this analysis, the authors point out a trilemma for the Heads of State or Government when dealing with integrative and disintegrative flexibilization and define criteria and conditions for a sensible combination of the two types.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {89--100}, author = {Wessels, Wolfgang and Wolters, Johannes}, volume = {40}, number = {2} }