@article{2017:ringel:governance, title = {Governance der Energieunion: Weiche Steuerung mit harten Zügen?}, year = {2017}, note = {The legislative package “Clean Energy for All Europeans” tabled by the European Commission aims at structuring the framework for climate and energy policies by 2030. Key element of the package is the energy governance regulation which focuses on a better coordination of national energy policies. Despite the recourse to the soft method of open coordination, the regulation contains elements of a more binding nature, potentially leading to the point of intervening in the national energy mix of member states. In contrast, the draft regulation bundles planning and reporting obligations to increase their political effectiveness and economic efficiency. With this proposal, the Commission walks a fine line: Member states will only accept the binding elements of the proposal once the associated benefits in terms of political effectiveness and economic efficiency prevail. Our contribution analyses these criteria and discusses in how far the proposal is suited to deliver a tangible contribution to Europe’s energy and climate goals for 2030.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {125--140}, author = {Ringel, Marc and Knodt, Michèle}, volume = {40}, number = {2} }