@article{2017:schnemann:euroskepti, title = {Euroskeptiker in der Referendumsoffensive. Das Brexit-Votum und die neue Bedeutung offensiver Misstrauensreferenden für den europäischen Integrationsprozess}, year = {2017}, note = {The so-called Brexit referendum of June 2016 constitutes not only the beginning, but also the temporary point of culmination of a new phase in the problematic relationship between European integration and direct democracy. Whereas during the 1990s and 2000s several EU-related referendums led to considerable irritations in the integration process, today we are dealing with a new type of referendums we call ‘offensive referendums of no-confidence’. We find that the avoidance of referendums during the last couple of years by political elites did not lead to a silencing of Eurosceptics, but gave rise to claims for national referendums against the EU instead. To underline this argument, this paper first identifies three phases in the history of EU referendums. We then develop three distinct criteria for the new type of offensive referendums of no-confidence and compare the latest four EU-related referendums along these criteria. In conclusion, the article reflects on the potential contagion effect of this new referendum type and evaluates to what extent its use could pose a threat to the European integration project.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {110--124}, author = {Schünemann, Wolf J. and Petri, Franziska}, volume = {40}, number = {2} }