@article{2015:sabathil:neue_impul, title = {Neue Impulse für die Beziehungen zwischen Europa und Zentralasien}, year = {2015}, note = {With the European Central Asia Strategy of 2007, the EU’s relations with the region have experienced a dynamic development. This applies to both the trade and the increase in development aid, as well as to contractual relations, sectoral cooperation and security policy dialogue. At the same time, the problems of the region, both within and between countries, did not diminish. Therefore, democracy promotion, human rights, rule of law, poverty reduction and reforming higher education, but also water, environmental and energy diplomacy, curbing crime and corruption as well as strengthening peaceful cooperation are i.a. the focal points of the European commitment. A stronger differentiation and focus in the Central Asia Strategy and a more efficient use of the funds allocated for development aid until the year 2020 give the EU and the new special representative for the region not only new resources but also high expectations on his way.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {146--152}, author = {Sabathil, Gerhard}, volume = {38}, number = {2} }