@article{2015:axt:griechenla, title = {Griechenlands neue Regierung: Wahlversprechen und Realpolitik}, year = {2015}, note = {Greece elected a new government on January 25, 2015, led by SYRIZA, a radical leftist party, which formed a coalition with ANEL, a populist rightist party. SYRIZA had promised during the election campaign that it will offer the Greeks, who have been hit by the crisis so bitterly, a better future and that it will enforce a debt relief, so that “the dictatorship” of the lenders’ Troika, composed of the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission, will end. It took four weeks until the new government had to acknowledge the bitter realities and asked its partners from the eu⁠ro zone for financial assistance, as Greece was threatened by insolvency. Much time was lost as the Greek authorities proved to be extremely reluctant to accept the conditions set by the creditors. What the results of all the disputes over intended Greek reforms, political controversies and ministerial meetings will be, remains an open question.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {103--128}, author = {Axt, Heinz-Jürgen}, volume = {38}, number = {2} }