@article{2015:hummer:was_haben_, title = {Was haben TTIP, CETA und TISA gemeinsam? ‚Investor-To-State Dispute Settlement‘ (ISDS) als umstrittenes Element der EU-Freihandelsabkommen}, year = {2015}, note = {At present the European Union is in the process of negotiating a series of Free Trade Agreements with the USA (TTIP), with Canada (CETA) as well as with 22 other WTO States (TISA) - all of which contain Investor-to-state dispute settlements (ISDS). The ISDS arbitration agreements have been facing growing resistance within civil society. Civil society has found that the agreements’ effects can vitiate democracy and may be devoid of legitimacy. Spearheading popular resistance against the agreements is the movement ‘Stop TTIP’. This article examines the dissenting allegations and scrutinizes their plausibility. In conclusion, recommendations to better furnish the ISDS arbitration procedure are brought forth and the problem’s complexity is illustrated by using a current legal case which touches upon EU law, public international law, specifically jurisdiction in arbitration matters, and national law.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {3--25}, author = {Hummer, Waldemar}, volume = {38}, number = {1} }