@article{2014:bruttel:europisc, title = {Europäische Integration und Krise in der Eurozone: Akzeptanz und Ablehnung der EU in Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien und Großbritannien}, year = {2014}, note = {Against the background of the ongoing crisis in the euro zone over the past several years, the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach conducted a series of four representative surveys in Germany, France, Spain and Great Britain in order to examine these population’s opinions and attitudes on the issue of European integration. The citizens of the EU countries included in the survey are generally ambivalent when it comes to both their country’s membership in the EU and to the Euro. However, at the same time, the majority of people in all four countries do not fundamentally question their country’s membership in the EU - yet they do wish that many EU competences are transferred back to the national level.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {275--290}, author = {Bruttel, Oliver}, volume = {37}, number = {3} }