@article{2014:hrbek:europawahl, title = {Europawahl 2014: Kontinuität und neue Facetten}, year = {2014}, note = {Prior to the European elections in 2014 expectations and fears were great. Some authors hoped that the elections would result in a democratic revolution establishing EU-level parliamentary democracy, as a result of the “front-runners,” which were presented by the European parties. Others feared that a high number of EU skeptic and non-aligned MEPs would obstruct the functioning of the new European Parliament. The article begins by discussing the basic conditions that allowed for such different expectations. It then presents the content of the European electoral manifestos and an analysis of the electoral campaigns, before comparing the predictions to the final results of the European elections. The article concludes that shifts in some national party systems could result in different national EU policies if it is a stabilizing trend. Considering the EU political system, the article presents a continuity thesis: it observes a tentative pragmatic evolution of the EU political system, in which the intergovernmental pillar does not lose its relevance to legitimize the EU.}, journal = {integration}, pages = {205--227}, author = {Hrbek, Rudolf}, volume = {37}, number = {3} }