@article{2023:dutra:the_theori, title = {The Theories of Constituição Dirigente and Transformative Constitutionalism and Their Reception by Brazilian Constitutional Theory: An Approach Based on Critical Comparative Law}, year = {2023}, note = {Two of the most important constitutional theories developed in contemporary times, transformative constitutionalism and the idea of “Constituição Dirigente”, significantly impacted the Brazilian constitutional debate. Both are recurrent objects of reflection and influence how Brazilian constitutionalists formulate their thinking regarding their constitution. On the other hand, this evident case of legal transfer has rarely been analyzed from the perspective of legal comparison theory. The question this research intends to answer is to what extent these legal ideas were incorporated, considering the complexity of integrating foreign legal concepts. Our initial hypothesis centers on the argument that, despite important exceptions, most of the Brazilian doctrine received both theories in an objectified and recontextualized way, leading to an uncritical reflection and, sometimes, epistemologically colonized doctrine.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {568--586}, author = {Dutra, Deo Campos}, volume = {56}, number = {3} }