@article{2022:ragazzo:fdi_and_te, title = {FDI and Technological Development in Brazil: A New Regulatory Framework?}, year = {2022}, note = {This paper analyses newly regulatory moves towards Foreign Direct Investment – FDI in Brazil. For that purpose, this paper explores the key economic rationale for regulating FDI and provides a legal baseline based on relevant FDI screening regimes already in force in mature jurisdictions. Later, this paper presents a brief assessment of the current Brazilian regulatory and governance scenario relating to FDI control, to demonstrate potential deficiencies that could emerge due to the lack of a structured FDI screening in the country, particularly the absence of quality control of FDI targeted to certain key areas, as well as risks of high political interference, which could generate undesirable effects on the country’s technological development and increase its level of dependence on technology developers.}, journal = {VRÜ Verfassung und Recht in Übersee}, pages = {309--332}, author = {Ragazzo, Carlos and Jaroslavsky, Rafaella Schwartz}, volume = {55}, number = {3} }